The HANest Truth

How To Pick the Right Size Clothes for Your Littles

How To Pick the Right Size Clothes for Your Lit...

A blog post going over the styles and sizes offered at Chicky's Closet and how to pick the right size infant and children's clothes.

How To Pick the Right Size Clothes for Your Lit...

A blog post going over the styles and sizes offered at Chicky's Closet and how to pick the right size infant and children's clothes.

image of baby feet-Chickyscloset

That One Time I Got Catfished

The situation that started it all.

That One Time I Got Catfished

The situation that started it all.

Chicky's Closet is a children's clothing store in Rochester, Minnesota

The Chicky Behind the Closet

Allow me to introduce myself and to the inspiration behind Chicky's Closet.

The Chicky Behind the Closet

Allow me to introduce myself and to the inspiration behind Chicky's Closet.